Gym Update March 2025

To All Bromley Owners:

March 2025

The rumors are true!! Here’s updated info on the BVA’s Gym renovations.

We’ve already ordered all the new equipment (excluding our 3 newish treadmills) and will replace all the other machines and weights. By popular sentiment we are adding space for stretching, strength and cardio, and will add 2 new machines: a rower and a ski erg. A fresh air energy recovery ventilator will be installed and Wi-Fi strengthened. Enhancements to security and video are coming when we update the ground floor in about 2 years.

Our Gym committee, Valorv Omasta, Paul Steinman, Jon Mason end Bill Carister worked since summer with BPS, developed a plan and obtained approvals for funding from the BVA board. Thanks to all who assisted, especially the regular users of the gym. Also, we note the support of the BVA, especially Treasurer (and former prom queen!) Sandy Pangburn.

Most bids have already been received and Rick Elliott at BPS is hopeful for a Mid-March start (almost Mud Season!) to open before Memorial Day. As with all projects [n Vermont, we are counting on your patience with typical local area delays, usually due to scheduling subcontractors and equipment deliveries.

One “heads up” detail is our current keypad entry Our numbers became confused!!! During Covid, unique access numbers were assigned to each household and the committee found that these codes were easily “hacked.” Some have been shared, and a few non-residents have access codes. On re opening we’ll reassign numbers specific to each unit so that use/ abuse can be better monitored, TO get an access code, BVA will also require a onetime signing of a “Rules of Use” document (insurance issue as we have no attendant). The rules will also list penalties (fines / suspension I etc.) for improper use. Until construction starts, we remain in regular operation, but PLEASE remember to take off your street shoes. Salt and stone are especially corrosive to the equipment, especially the treadmills. Every user should leave the gym in the same or better condition than they found it.

Finally, in two years’ time we will rehab the Clubhouse ground floor, For that daunting project, Committee members are sought!

Watch for updates on the Bromley Village site,

The Gym Committee!